Train & Play: Session 4 Tuesdays 3rd&4th Grade



TRAINING will include 1 hour of instruction in technique for all skills such as, passing, setting, hitting/attacking, and serving. Our goal is to break each skill down fundamentally to better assist each athlete to perform these skills correctly for better results. Each week your child will also build confidence in themselves and the sport as we advance the skill level and push for success. These sessions are run by a strong line up of OPVC coaches/leaders who strive to better our young athletes, while providing a positive and FUN environment. Each Train and play team will have at least 2 coaches for groups of 6 or more.

PLAY will include 30-45 minutes of opportunities to COMPETE and explore drills provided by the coach mirroring game like situations! For Example: 6 vs 6  / 4 vs 4 / 3 vs 3 – Game like Drills for Serve receive, Base to Defense, Base to Freeball etc.